I woke up this morning and had no idea it was World Backup Day. In a world where there is a day for everything there is certainly a day for backups. In fact every day is a good day for backups.
Close your eyes and imagine for a moment that you start your day by seeing your office on fire. A host of fire fighters with hoses spraying water everywhere. On your desks, walls and even on your server. It is a total loss. If you are insured chances are you can rebuild….at least your physical space. Then the thought occurs….AHHHH…..WHAT ABOUT OUR DATA???
I cannot stress enough how important daily backups of your data become in a situation like the one above. Ok that is the worst case scenario a catastrophic loss – 100% gone. If you have a solid backup strategy in place then getting back to the business of your business will be easy. There are a lot of great options for backup.
We recommend at a minimum having a couple of hard drives that do not stay at your place of business and a cloud backup of the same data. Depending on the amount of data you have it can be as easy as a 2 USB hard drives and a cloud backup service. If you are on the higher end of backups and the amount of data you produce you may be looking at a near line storage device and a managed backup provider.
Some backup facts that Word backup day offers – http://www.worldbackupday.com/en :
- 30% of people have never backed up
- 113 phones are lost or stolen every minute
- 29% of disasters are caused by accident
- 1 in 10 computers are infected with viruses each month
Give us a call or send us and email and we can talk about back up’s or any technology for that matter. As strange as the last statement is we groove on that sort of thing. We love to get you and your business back up and doing business what ever your reason may be.
Have a fantastic Tech Tuesday!